MICAH H. WEBER, c/v***

Braddock, PA. 15104

"Almost Nothing: House Fire" 4’31, ©2014

What does one bring to a house fire? What Does one wear?

This project began out of a desire to express the grief experienced from the loss of a parent. While attempting to describe this grief through language—visual or otherwise—it became evident that some events are indescribable without losing the very agency one has in having experienced the loss in the first place.

54th Ann Arbor Film Festival, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2016 (World Premiere)
Holland Animation Film Festival, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2016
Houston Cinema Arts Festival, Houston, Texas, 2015
Musée d’art moderne André Malraux–MuMa Le Havre, France, 2023
Srishti Institute of Art, Design & Technology, Kerala, India, 2015
Experimenta, Bangalore, India, 2015
The Forks, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 2015
Automata, Las Angeles, California, 2015
Blackfish Gallery, Portland, Oregon, 2014
Stevens Annex, Portland, Oregon, 2104